Product Security

The distinction between application and product security is increasingly becoming blurred. We believe that security is not just an add-on, but a core feature built right into the DNA of your product. Our Product Security strategy integrates AppSec and ProdSec principles to deliver a robust defence mechanism. We appreciate that security can be a defining factor in fostering trust with your customers, partners, and regulators.

Product Security

Who this service suits?

Companies looking to make their product safer from the ground up, covering both apps and wider system concerns.

Why pick this service?

Ensure security at its heart, helping to build trust with your customers and stay on the right side of industry regulations.

What We Cover:

Application security

  • Secure Coding Practices: Empower your development team with the knowledge and tools to code securely, safeguarding your applications from potential threats.
  • API Security: Comprehensive strategies to secure your data interfaces, ensuring smooth yet secure interactions.
  • Authentication and Authorisation Controls: Protecting how the application communicates with other systems and defining access limits to safeguard the internal workings of the app.

Product security

  • Lifecycle Protection: Protecting every aspect of your product’s lifecycle, not limited to individual apps but extending to interconnected systems and devices.
  • Risk Mitigation: Defending against broader-scale attacks, including physical tampering and supply chain attacks, to prevent data breaches and protect your brand reputation.
  • Security Design Reviews and Threat Models: Collaborating on security design reviews and running threat models to anticipate potential risks.
  • Security Compliance: Aiding in achieving various security compliances including PCI-DSS, PSD2, and more.

Trust Falx to ensure your product’s security is a testament to its quality, and a strong selling point in your market.

Have a question on product security?

Reach out to us today for an open conversation